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Multi-Lines Agencies

Multi-Lines Agencies is an insurance solution provider offering a range of insurance packages for home, business, and personal needs.

Multi-Lines Agencies
Insurance Companies
Multi-Lines Agencies
78 Shenton Wy Singapore 079120
Multi-Lines Agencies

About the business

Multi-Lines Agencies is your one-stop insurance solution provider in Singapore. With their extensive range of insurance packages, they cater to both personal and business needs. Whether you're looking for coverage for your home, business, or travel, they have the experience and expertise to help you find the right policy.

For homeowners, Multi-Lines Agencies offers complete coverage for your HDB, private, or landed property. They understand the importance of safeguarding what's precious to you, and they are committed to providing you with the highest level of protection at affordable prices.

If you're a business owner, Multi-Lines Agencies has you covered with their comprehensive business insurance packages. They ensure that your business is secured against any potential risks, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

When it comes to travel, Multi-Lines Agencies has got you covered during the Covid-19 pandemic period. Whether you're traveling within ASEAN, Asia, or worldwide, they provide travel insurance that gives you peace of mind.

No matter your insurance needs, Multi-Lines Agencies is committed to providing you with comprehensive coverage at the most attractive price. They offer fast and easy ways to find the insurance you need, with consultations to understand your specific requirements. Get what you need with Multi-Lines Agencies - your trusted insurance partner.

To learn more about Multi-Lines Agencies and their insurance offerings, you can visit their website or follow them on social media. Don't wait, get a quote now and protect what matters most to you.

Multi-Lines Agencies

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Please make sure you visit us under this schedule. It may vary on holidays.
Mon - Fri: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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