Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor

Contract Builders Pte Ltd is a renovation contractor in Singapore specializing in commercial and residential projects.

Renovation Contractors
138 Robinson Rd #03-36 Singapore 068906

About the business

Contract Builders Pte Ltd is a leading renovation contractor in Singapore specializing in design and build projects for both commercial and residential spaces. With extensive expertise in planning, designing, and executing renovation projects, they have successfully transformed numerous spaces to enhance functionality and aesthetic appeal. When you choose Contract Builders, you can expect a team of dedicated professionals who not only adhere to local building codes but also prioritize client specifications. Their mission is to create environments that reflect the unique style and needs of their clients while also maximizing functionality and value. Whether you need a renovation for your bakery, restaurant, office, or home, Contract Builders has the experience and skills to handle a wide range of projects. Their portfolio showcases their commitment to excellence, featuring stunning transformations in various settings, including living rooms, bathrooms, and waiting spaces. As a trusted and reliable renovation contractor, Contract Builders is committed to delivering high-quality work and ensuring customer satisfaction. They work closely with their clients to establish a realistic budget upfront, carefully plan and quote all aspects of the project, and source cost-effective materials. With clear communication and transparent cost management, they ensure that the project stays within the agreed budget. For all your renovation needs, contact Contract Builders today. They can be reached at 8368 5194 or via email at Visit their website,, for more information about their services and to view their impressive portfolio.

Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor
Contract Builders Pte Ltd | Renovation Contractor

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