Start Receiving Food Tastings Today!

Frequently asked questions

Is it free to receive opportunities?

Absolutely! Regardless of whether you have a big or small account, Lookup is always 100% free. All you need to do is join with your best email and you can start receiving food tasting opportunities as they come!

Must I have a minimum follower count?

Not at all! We will still send you every food tasting opportunity we can procure. Even if you have <100 followers, you’ll receive them! However, we cannot guarantee that the restaurants will respond to your request.

How often will you send us stuff?

Our job is to procure food tasting opportunities for you, so we will be sending them out to you as soon as we get them. After that, it’s fastest hands first! I’d highly recommend joining the Telegram channel to snap up opportunities when they come.

How do we receive opportunities?

Through Email and Telegram. The main method of sending out opportunities to you will be through email! Make sure you provide your best email and ensure they don’t end up in your spam folder. Also, join the telegram channel to follow all updates in real-time!

What’s the catch?

There is none! We are just trying to support the local foodie scene, so you will never have to worry about paying a single dollar! We just want to see what interesting reviews you guys come up with :)