
What Time can Renovation Work Be Done in Singapore?

Find out the permissible hours for renovation work in Singapore. Don't violate regulations - learn when to start and end your projects.
By: Shane Duggan

Renovation work is a common activity in Singapore, where homeowners and businesses constantly strive to upgrade and improve their spaces. However, it is important to remember that carrying out renovation activities at any time of the day can potentially disrupt the peace and quiet of the surrounding community. In Singapore, there are specific guidelines that dictate the acceptable hours for renovation work. In this article, we will explore these guidelines in detail to help you understand what time renovation work can be done in Singapore.

General Renovation Hours

In Singapore, general renovation activities can be carried out between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM on any day of the week. During these hours, homeowners and businesses can undertake various renovation tasks such as painting, electrical works, and minor repairs. These hours provide a reasonable timeframe for renovations to take place without causing excessive disturbance to the neighbors.

Noisy Renovation Work Hours

However, when it comes to more noisy renovation work, such as the demolition of walls or major construction works, there are specific time restrictions in place. These activities are permitted only from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on weekdays. This ensures that individuals who work from home or nearby establishments can go about their daily routines without being unduly disturbed by loud noises throughout the day.

Quiet Period

Additionally, it is important to note that between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM on weekdays, a quiet period is observed. During this hour, no high-decibel renovation activities are allowed. This quiet period serves as a time of respite for those who may want to take a short break or have lunch without enduring excessive noise levels.

Weekends, Public Holidays, and Sundays

While it is understandable that you might want to make the most of your free time during weekends and public holidays for renovation work, it is crucial to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the authorities. In Singapore, renovations or any noisy activities are strictly prohibited during weekends, public holidays, and Sundays. These regulations are put in place to ensure that residents can fully enjoy their rest days without any disturbances.

Importance of Adhering to Guidelines

Complying with the designated renovation hours and regulations not only ensures that you do not disrupt your neighbors but also helps to maintain a harmonious living environment in Singapore. Being respectful of others' peace and quiet is an essential aspect of being a responsible resident or business owner.

How to Plan Renovations Effectively

To plan your renovation activities effectively and ensure a smooth process, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Check the Renovation Guidelines: Before starting any renovation work, familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines and timings set by the authorities. This will prevent any potential conflicts or legal issues down the line.
  2. Inform Neighbors: Be considerate and inform your neighbors about the planned renovations in advance. This can help manage expectations and allow them to make necessary arrangements if required.
  3. Engage Professional Contractors: Hiring professional contractors who are experienced in working within the designated renovation hours can make a significant difference. This ensures that the work is completed efficiently without unnecessary delays.
  4. Plan for Contingencies: Unforeseen circumstances can sometimes arise during renovations. It is important to factor in some extra time in your renovation timeline to allow for any unexpected delays or challenges.


While renovation work can be exciting and necessary, it is crucial to adhere to the regulations set by the authorities in Singapore to maintain a peaceful living environment. By understanding the permitted hours for renovation activities, respecting the quiet period, and avoid disturbing your neighbors during weekends and public holidays, you can ensure a harmonious living environment for everyone. Remember, responsible renovation practices contribute to a better and more cohesive community in Singapore.

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